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Keeping birds in hand

13 December 2010 | By Nick Yearwood, Chairman of the UK Birdstrike Committee and UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Safety Regulation Group Representative

Modern aircraft engines are designed and built to be resistant to multiple birdstrikes from birds of up to 4.5lb (2kg) in weight. The UK CAA has played a leading role in developing enhanced engine certification requirements and United States National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)...

“Better, not bigger”

1 October 2010 | By The Rt Hon Theresa Villiers, Minister of State for Transport, United Kingdom

The aviation sector generates billions of pounds worth of economic output and tax revenue, provides large scale employment and enables the UK to compete in the globalised economy. It also delivers significant social benefits as people travel for leisure or to visit friends and family. It is therefore an industry…

Information Display screens at Manchester Airport

1 October 2010 | By

Much has changed at Manchester over the last two years with 2009 seeing over £80m of improvements unveiled across the three terminals with retail areas in particular seeing a massive overhaul and improvement. While this has involved massive changes to security and the internal infrastructure of the terminal, it has…

Aircraft ground equipment standards: adapting to an evolving market

1 October 2010 | By Jean-Jacques Machon, Vice-chair of ISO TC20/SC9

The worldwide trend towards ever safer GSE No airport in the world, be it the smallest, can operate today without some fleet of aircraft ground equipment (GSE). How is it possible, with so many equipment types in thousands of airports in all the countries in the world, to immediately know…

Dealing with the airport and its environment

1 October 2010 | By Hamsa Balakrishnan, John-Paul Clarke, Eric Feron, and Marc Pélegrin

Airport infrastructure capacity is rapidly being approached in many cities around the world. Environmental factors, such as acoustic and chemical emissions, are increasingly less tolerated by neighbouring communities. The net result is that new means must be found that deliver more aircraft to the airspace with less environmental impact on…

Aviation Emissions, EU ETS and measurement requirements

1 October 2010 | By Jeff Poole, Director, Industry Charges, Fuel and Taxation, IATA

From January 2012, aircraft operators whose flights arrive in and depart from EU27 (plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein airports) will have to comply with a CO2 emissions cap, as part of an expanded EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). While IATA recognises that some economic measures can help to mitigate emissions,…

Aircraft Recovery – A joint effort for many stakeholders

1 October 2010 | By William Cusato, Chairman – IATA Aircraft Recovery Task Force (ARTF), Sr. Manager Hangar Maintenance – LAX, FedEx Express

Aircraft recovery has largely been a ‘Black Art,’ with many stories of heroic efforts and unorthodox procedures that are made infamous over a pint after the work is done. However, the industry has changed since the days when the character portrayed by George Kennedy in the original Airport motion picture…

Improving efficiency while helping the environment

1 October 2010 | By Eric Miart, Airport Programme and Environment Activity Manager, EUROCONTROL

The latest developments in Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) and Continuous Descent Approaches (CDA) If you work at a large airport, the chances are that you will be affected by at least one, if not both, of these initiatives. Implementation is rolling out across Europe. For CDA we are well…

Heathrow Airport: Expanding into the future

1 October 2010 | By Steven Morgan, Capital Programmes Director, BAA

Heathrow Airport is changing; every month around £70 million is being invested on a major programme of modernisation. All of the airport’s terminals will benefit and passengers are already experiencing the results. This represents one of the largest and most exciting construction programmes currently underway in the UK; it is…

Bengaluru International Airport… Ushering in the winds of change!

1 October 2010 | By Marcel Hungerbuehler, President of BIAL

Two years into operation, the Bengaluru International Airport is already seeing close to 10 million passengers annually. Marcel Hungerbuehler, President of Bangalore International Airport Limited looks back at the year gone by… At the Bengaluru International Airport, the watchword is change. The Airport constantly upgrades itself, always meeting and often…

Full power out of the crisis

1 October 2010 | By Dr. Michael Kerkloh, CEO of Munich Airport

With double-digit increases, Munich Airport returns to the successful growth of recent years When the global financial and economic crisis took hold in the summer of 2008, it was not long before the international aviation sector felt the effects. In the first half of 2008, Munich Airport posted a strong…

Pavement Management System implementation at Rome Fiumicino International Airport

1 October 2010 | By Alessandro Marradi, University of Pisa, Civil Engineering Department and Mattia Tamarozzi, University of Pisa,Civil Engineering Department

Fiumicino is the ‘hub’ airport for domestic, international, and intercontinental scheduled and charter flights. Ciampino, conversely, is the airport city dedicated to the low cost traffic, goods traffic of ‘express courier’ and to the General Aviation.

Transforming Airfield Lighting: The research into LED technology

1 October 2010 | By Jennifer Taylor, Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y.

Advanced, energy-efficient lighting is one key element of global research to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. In just the last decade, the light-emitting diode (LED) has progressed from a small indicator light to a complete lighting system able to illuminate spaces such as an entire parking lot. LEDs promise…

As Western Australia grows so does Perth Airport

9 June 2010 | By Mr Brad Geatches, CEO, Perth Airport

Perth Airport is currently Australia’s fastest growing capital city airport and the country’s fourth largest in terms of passenger movements. This year over 10 million passengers are expected to travel through the airport with a 10.9 per cent growth rate recorded during quarter one of FY10 within inter - national…

A survey of airline pilots regarding fuel conservation procedures for taxi operations

9 June 2010 | By Regina Clewlow, Hamsa Balakrishnan and Tom Reynolds, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Aircraft taxi operations are a significant source of energy consumption and emissions at airports. In 2007, an estimated 4,000 tons of hydrocarbons, 8,000 tons of nitrogen oxides and 45,000 tons of carbon monoxide were emitted through taxi-out operations at U.S. airports1. These pollutants contribute to low-altitude emissions, directly impact local…