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The French revolution

7 February 2012 | By Marie Carru, General Delegate of Proavia

For more than 35 years, the French industrialists have developed systems and equipment to match the worldwide evolution of airports and air traffic controller’s operational needs. In the 1970s and 1980s the main focus of the aviation sector was to increase air navigation safety. In the last 20 years French…

Learning from the past

7 February 2012 | By Jan Michalak, Head of Warsaw Chopin Airport Maintenance Service

Warsaw Chopin Airport has spent a large amount of investment on winter main - tenance during the 2010/11 season. Never before in the airport’s history had the struggle with snow and ice required so much effort and resources. So what can we expect in 2012? According to data from the…

Ready for the big freeze

7 February 2012 | By Jan Kadlec, Airfield Operations Manager, Prague Airport

Prague Airport is the biggest airport in the Czech Republic and one of the major hubs in Central and Eastern Europe. Prague’s excellent location in the heart of Europe together with its recognition as an attractive business and holiday destination represents a unique opportunity for air service development. Like London…

The Olympics and beyond

7 February 2012 | By David Surley, Senior Business Development Manager, Cambridge Airport

Situated in the East of England and close to London, Cambridge Airport has always been close to a wide range of advancing technology. Marshall Aerospace, the United Kingdom’s leading independent Aerospace Company has been based at the Airport since the 1940s. The Airport is owned by the Marshall of Cambridge…

A technological revolution

7 February 2012 | By Mark Glover, Commissioning Editor, International Airport Review

The first conference of its kind for International Airport Review and given the astonishing recent growth of Information Technology within air - ports, Airport Information Technology 2011 was a conference that was able to cover all aspects of the vast subject. The event took place on the 6 and 7…

A safe future

7 February 2012 | By Mark Glover, Commissioning Editor, International Airport Review

The issue of aviation safety has always produced comment, debate and input on a political global scale. Legislation is drawn up and adhered to although further harmonisation is required across the world for standards to become effective. This topic, as well as numerous other subjects were talked about and recently…

The CANSO Congress

8 December 2011 | By Paul Riemens, Chairman of the CANSO Executive Committee

By 2026, it is forecast that aviation will contribute one trillion USD to the world’s GDP per year. This is more than double the 425 billion USD it contributes today, and clearly demonstrates the increasingly important role that aviation plays in supporting the global economy. However, this relies on the…

My first week in airport management

8 December 2011 | By William Shea, Former FAA Associate Administrator

My job as Airport Manager at Burlington, Vermont Municipal Airport, from 1967 to 1971 was one of the most exciting and diverse times of my working life. Back then it was a small to medium hub airport in Northern New England. I eventually persuaded the City Council to change the…

Defining the future of global ATM

8 December 2011 | By Nancy Graham, Director, Air Navigation Bureau at the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)

In 2012, ICAO will convene a landmark air navigation conference that will seek agreement on the strategic plan to set the stage for globally interoperable Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems. These systems will be implemented based on the Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) concept. The ASBU approach calls for a…

“Didn’t they know we were coming?”

8 December 2011 | By Geraldine Flynn, Manager of A-CDM Implementation at EUROCONTROL

To set the context for this article I would like to state something that is evident to all, that causes huge problems for everyone, and which, for a long time there was no effective remedy. Flights are delayed (for perfectly legitimate reasons) and cannot be ready to depart at their…

E-gates at Zurich Airport

8 December 2011 | By Albert Steiner, Robin Breu and Patrick Bruderer, Zurich University of Applied Sciences and Manuel Renold, Simulation Expert at Zurich Airport

The airline industry is facing enormous challenges today and even more so in the future. The continuing increase of passenger and freight transport demand, the competition among airlines and the resulting cost pressure forces airlines to continually adapt and optimise their processes. In addition, the cost of delays for all…

Keeping baggage safe

8 December 2011 | By Stefano Dolci, Head of BHS Management, SEA - Milan Airports

The handling of baggage is a very important activity within an airport. One of the main concerns of passengers (and carriers) is to be able to find their baggage on arrival. For this reason the mishandled baggage rate (that is baggage not loaded into the correct plane and shipped afterwards…

Being prepared for the worst

8 December 2011 | By Rob Cooke, Head of Airfield Operations at Birmingham Airport

It is inevitable that adverse weather conditions at airports will lead to operational restrictions on airfields and will often lead to disruption to aircraft operations. This was witnessed during December 2011 when the world looked on as UK aviation was severely affected by freezing conditions and heavy snowfall. However, at…

Friction testing through the years

8 December 2011 | By Armann Norheim, Leader of the ICAO Friction Task Force (FTF)

The history of the world includes many well known inventions which have had a significant influence on technological developments. One of these is the Dynamometer, a device used for measuring force, moment of force (torque) and power. Dynamometers have been a vital and necessary component in instruments that can identify…