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Predicting the future

7 February 2012 | By Bill Shea, Former FAA Associate Administrator

World aviation growth for 2012 will exceed present forecasts! Aviation is on a roll in the US. We have lift off! At last, the US Federal Government, the aviation industry and aviation interest groups are pulling together to build a more efficient national and international airspace system. Of course, where…

Clarity and simplicity

7 February 2012 | By Mark Glover, Commissioning Editor, International Airport Review

As the SESAR initiative continues to garner debate from all corners of the aviation industry, Mark Glover from International Airport Review spoke to one of the key players involved with the initiative, Guenter Martis, Director of European Affairs at CANSO, to see what needs to be done by all involved…

SESAR: Full speed ahead

7 February 2012 | By Bo Redeborn, Principal Director of Air Traffic Management, EUROCONTROL

SESAR is the research and development arm of the Single European Sky. A founding member of the SESAR Joint Undertaking, EUROCONTROL is a major contributor to this huge programme, covering everything from 4D trajectories to system wide information management and, of course, airports. Pushing forward The SESAR airport activities have…

Newcastle’s footprint reduction

7 February 2012 | By Terry Clarke, Energy and Sustainability Project Manager, Newcastle International Airport

Newcastle International Airport is fully committed to achieving group improvements to its energy and environmental performance. There is a dedicated team within the airport who work to ensure that all environmental impacts are managed, such as energy, noise, water and waste. Within each of these areas, significant resources have been…

Athens International Airport: Powered by the sun

7 February 2012 | By Dimitris Dolapsakis, Manager of Asset Management, Athens International Airport

Towards the end of 2011, the sun rose to shine for the first time on the newly inaugurated Photovoltaic (PV) park at Athens International Airport (AIA), the largest unified PV installation at an airport worldwide. AIA’s PV park is expected to contribute significantly to the airport’s target of reducing its…

Solar powered Southampton

7 February 2012 | By Steve Thurston, Head of Planning and Development, Southampton Airport

Southampton Airport’s vision to become ‘Europe’s leading regional airport’ has provided the motivation for a number of innovate investments in recent years. With a couple of UK firsts amongst the developments, including being the first UK airport to have solar powered LED runway guard lighting, the regional airport with the…

LED Aeronautical Ground Lighting: Evolution or revolution?

7 February 2012 | By Steve Martin, Chairman of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, IET AGL Competency Working Group

The development of Aeronautical Ground Lighting (AGL) has generally been one of steady evolution. Since a significant period of rapid development during the early 1940s, driven by the require - ments of wartime aviation advancement, progress has been somewhat conservative with manufacturers applying established technology to the production of smaller…

Forecasting for efficiency

7 February 2012 | By David Gibbs, Aviation Business Manager, The Met Office

The Met Office works across all areas of the aviation industry to help ensure safe and efficient operations. We provide a wide range of services such as specialist web sites, forecaster telephone advice, SMS text alerts and high resolution data services to name a few. These services are tailored to…

Putting Edmonton on the map

7 February 2012 | By Corinne Kozak, Technical Services Manager, Edmonton International Airport

Spanning 7,600 acres, Edmonton International Airport (EIA) is Canada’s largest airport by land area. It is also one of the country’s busiest airports, with more than six million passengers passing through its facility every year. The airport offers non-stop travel service to more than 50 national and international destinations, and…

The French revolution

7 February 2012 | By Marie Carru, General Delegate of Proavia

For more than 35 years, the French industrialists have developed systems and equipment to match the worldwide evolution of airports and air traffic controller’s operational needs. In the 1970s and 1980s the main focus of the aviation sector was to increase air navigation safety. In the last 20 years French…

Learning from the past

7 February 2012 | By Jan Michalak, Head of Warsaw Chopin Airport Maintenance Service

Warsaw Chopin Airport has spent a large amount of investment on winter main - tenance during the 2010/11 season. Never before in the airport’s history had the struggle with snow and ice required so much effort and resources. So what can we expect in 2012? According to data from the…

Ready for the big freeze

7 February 2012 | By Jan Kadlec, Airfield Operations Manager, Prague Airport

Prague Airport is the biggest airport in the Czech Republic and one of the major hubs in Central and Eastern Europe. Prague’s excellent location in the heart of Europe together with its recognition as an attractive business and holiday destination represents a unique opportunity for air service development. Like London…

The Olympics and beyond

7 February 2012 | By David Surley, Senior Business Development Manager, Cambridge Airport

Situated in the East of England and close to London, Cambridge Airport has always been close to a wide range of advancing technology. Marshall Aerospace, the United Kingdom’s leading independent Aerospace Company has been based at the Airport since the 1940s. The Airport is owned by the Marshall of Cambridge…

A technological revolution

7 February 2012 | By Mark Glover, Commissioning Editor, International Airport Review

The first conference of its kind for International Airport Review and given the astonishing recent growth of Information Technology within air - ports, Airport Information Technology 2011 was a conference that was able to cover all aspects of the vast subject. The event took place on the 6 and 7…

A safe future

7 February 2012 | By Mark Glover, Commissioning Editor, International Airport Review

The issue of aviation safety has always produced comment, debate and input on a political global scale. Legislation is drawn up and adhered to although further harmonisation is required across the world for standards to become effective. This topic, as well as numerous other subjects were talked about and recently…