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The evolution of ATC

3 October 2012 | By Bill Shea, former FAA Associate Administrator

From the simple, yet antiquated Air Traffic Control system of the 1930s to today’s new multi-billion dollar NEXT GEN satellite programme which is currently being developed, the progress of worldwide ATC has been pushing forward at an astonishing rate. Over the years, the world’s ATC systems have experienced dramatic success.…

Africa’s ATC challenge

3 October 2012 | By Hennie Marais, Executive of Air Traffic Management at Air Traffic and Navigation Services

On 18 February 2011, a multilateral partnership known as the Indian Ocean Strategic Partnership to Reduce Emissions (INSPIRE) was formed in Dubai. The INSPIRE partnership is intended to be collaborative network of partners and peer organisations across the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean region dedicated to improving the efficiency and…

The clock is ticking for ADS-B

3 October 2012 | By Greg Dunstone, ADS-B Programme Manager, Airservices Australia

Airservices Australia is continuing the roll-out of Automatic Dependant Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) technology – a satellite-based technology enabling aircraft to be accurately tracked by air traffic controllers and other pilots without the need for conventional radar. Responsible for providing air traffic sur - veillance services for Australia’s 56 million square…

Satellite technology gains ground

3 October 2012 | By Stefan Naerlich, Head of Navigation Services, Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH and Hans-Jochen Kreher, Head of Satellite Navigation Department, Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) using ground-based augmentation are considered the future solution for precision approaches at airports. Airlines, Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) and manufacturers have been collaborating on a worldwide scale to expand the technology’s capabilities. EUROCONTROL’s SESAR and the FAA’s NextGen programmes are working towards replacing Instrument…

Securing the cargo industry

3 October 2012 | By Harald Zielinski, Head of Security and Environmental Management, Lufthansa Cargo AG

Security continues to be a major issue within aviation. Passenger screening often gets the spotlight but the process of overseeing efficient cargo operations whilst maintaining tight security procedures is also an important aspect of the sector. Mark Glover from International Airport Review, spoke to Harald Zielinski, Chief Security Officer Cargo…

Light-Emitting Diode airfield lighting systems

2 October 2012 | By John D. Bullough, Senior Scientist, Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Light-Emitting Diode (LED) airfield lighting is increasingly used at airports in the United States and abroad, largely because of the potential for this technology to produce substantial savings in terms of maintenance and energy costs1. Information about LED lighting systems in terms of performance, cost, and other operations issues is…

The changing nature of the airport investor

2 October 2012 | By David Bentley, Airport Finance Analyst and Writer

Thirty-three years after the first privatisation of an airport in Europe, this article examines how the nature of the investors is changing. It seems that the Initial Public Offer (IPO) – which was the chosen method for BAA’s privatisation – kick-started a wave of other full and partial IPOs on…

The key to Australia

2 October 2012 | By Julieanne Alroe, CEO and Managing Director, Brisbane Airport Corporation

Brisbane Airport is the third largest airport in Australia on passenger numbers and the premier gateway to the state of Queensland. Operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, it is Australia’s largest capital city airport (by land size) and has two major terminals providing services to 27 airlines…

Playing it cool in Munich

2 October 2012 | By Alfons Breiteneicher, Head of Surface and Winter Services at Munich Airport

The process of winter operations remains an important part of an airport’s armoury. Since 2010, when arctic conditions covered the majority of Europe and North America’s airports in a blanket of ice and snow, many have come underpressure to clear runways, taxiways and aprons as swiftly as possible to maintain…

Coping in the Alps

2 October 2012 | By Nicolas Karres, Head of Ramp Services at Salzburg Airport

Salzburg Airport is situated in the heart of Europe and is often referred to as the ‘gateway to the Alps’. Due to its location, only 4km from the city of Salzburg and close to the main skiing resorts in the area, the airport’s high season lasts from the end of…

A victory for Polish airports

2 October 2012 | By Rafal Marczewski, Poland’s National Co-ordinator for Airports

Poland’s football team may not have progressed as much as they would have liked in Euro 2012 but in terms of airport efficiency, the country certainly put in a winning performance over the two weeks. Mark Glover from International Airport Review spoke to Rafal Marczewski, Poland’s National Co-ordinator for Airports…

RFF station design and siting

2 October 2012 | By Jack Kreckie, Regulatory Affairs Officer at the Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Working Group

This is the second part of Jack Kreckie’s article that outlines the requirements of planning a new airport Rescue Firefighting (RFF) station. The first part of this paper was published in International Airport Review Issue 4 2012. Station layout: The selection of furnishings and equipment should be based on current…

Changing times

2 October 2012 | By Mike Willson, Managing Director, Willson Consulting

Much is happening in Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) circles at present. Proposed changes to the ICAO standard with the new Level C and apparent ‘dumbing down’ of existing Level A and B fire tests have caused considerable concern amongst airport operators. In addition, a few operators have started…

Differentiation through integration

3 August 2012 | By Bo Redeborn, Principal Director, Air Traffic Management, EUROCONTROL

"Airports need to be integrated into the ATM network.” This is a state - ment you may well have heard recently; certainly it is being discussed at conferences. But what does it mean? What benefits will it bring? And who will see these benefits? The network is becoming more clearly…

Trondheim’s snow and ice tactics

3 August 2012 | By Per Jarle Ingstad, Operational Director, Trondheim Airport, Værnes, Avinor AS

Norway is well known for its wintery weather however these types of conditions are rarely a problem for us here at Trondheim Airport. It is a constantly changing and fluctuating winter pattern that creates the greatest challenges. This places greater demands on both personnel and equipment at the airport which…