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Managing the skies

4 April 2013 | By Yap Ong Heng, Director General, CAAS

The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) has recently entered a Memorandum of Agreement with Nanyang Technological University to create the first Air Traffic Management Research Institute (ATMRI). International Airport Review spoke to Mr Yap Ong Heng, CAAS Director-General, about the initiative Asia-Pacific is the world’s fastest growing region in…

Technological advancements for surface condition reporting

4 April 2013 | By James Bogusz, Director of Airside Operations, Technology and Environment, Victoria Airport Authority

Airports must ensure that pilots have accurate and timely information on the conditions of paved airfield surfaces. James Bogusz, Director of Airside Operations, Technology and Environment at the Victoria Airport Authority, looks at how Victoria International Airport has enhanced surface condition reporting To help frame the technological advancements that occurred…

Flight data helps plot a route to savings

4 April 2013 | By Ian Jopson, Head of Environment and Community Affairs, NATS

In a bid to save fuel and cut carbon emissions, NATS has developed a flight profile monitor tool. Ian Jopson, Head of Environment and Community Affairs at NATS, extols the virtues of the new technology... Data is everywhere these days; from the huge tranches of minute information supermarkets collect on…

Final Call with George Saounatsos, CEO of Bahrain Airport Services (BAS)

4 April 2013 | By George Saounatsos, CEO, Bahrain Airport Services (BAS)

International Airport Review speaks to George Saounatsos, CEO of Bahrain Airport Services (BAS), about the company’s current status, plans, and regional developments in the industry In a nutshell, what are the main objectives BAS is currently working on? We are working intensively on transforming the DNA of the company and…

Driving the changes for improved ATM performance

18 February 2013 | By

The greatest challenge faced by aviation today is the future. It is a future that is likely to be charact - erised by increasing demand, burgeoning levels of air traffic, mounting congestion, tighter environ - mental constraints, and escalating demands on scarce resources including airspace, land use around airports, and…

Prague: The airport city of the future

18 February 2013 | By Jirví Pos, CEO, Prague Airport Company

Two historic milestones came to pass at Prague International Airport in 2012. In April, the airport celebrated its 75th anniversary of operations. This was followed by the renaming of the airport in October to Václav Havel Airport Prague, in honour of the first president of Czechoslovakia and subsequently the Czech…

Billund Airport: Pioneering self-service

18 February 2013 | By Anders Nielsen, Vice President, Project and Development, Billund Airport

When it comes to air travel, efficient passenger flow through the airport is crucial for both a positive passenger experience, and efficient use of airport resources. Self-service check-in for seats solved part of the issue, but the efficiencies are lost if you have to stand in a queue to check-in…

Collaboration in Helsinki

18 February 2013 | By Timo Suorto, CDM Project Manager at Finavia Helsinki-Vantaa Airport

After four years of planning, testing and hard work, on 2 October 2012 Helsinki Airport became the first Nordic airport and only the seventh European airport to adopt the Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) pro - cedure. By being one of the frontrunners in adopting Airport CDM, Timo Suorto, CDM…

Managing wildlife hazards to aircraft

18 February 2013 | By Dr John Allan Head of the Wildlife Programme at the UK Government's food and Environment Research Agency and Former Chairman of the International Birdstrike Committee Research Agency and former Chairman of the International Birdstrike Committee

Collisions between aircraft and wildlife have been acknowledged as a hazard to aviation since the first aircraft flew over 100 years ago. But despite many years of research into combatting the problem, wildlife strikes continue to be a serious safety concern for aviation regulators, airlines and airports. Occasional high-profile incidents,…

Munich Airport keeps on soaring

18 February 2013 | By Dr Michael Kerkloh CEO and President, Flughafen München GmbH

Munich Airport experienced a very successful year in 2012. Despite the turbulent European economy, the airport was able to report a two per cent increase in total passenger numbers – 38.4 million passengers passed through Munich Airport over the year, an increase of 600,000 and an all-time high for the…

Ensuring a safer future for the aviation industry

18 February 2013 | By Kim Thorbjørn Olsen Assistant Fire Chief, Copenhagen Airport

In May 2012, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and other specialists from different parts of the aviation industry set up large scale fire tests to compare compressed air foam systems (CAFS) with normal aspirated foam, using different foam products for Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) use to International…

Partnership: The key to SESAR’s success

18 February 2013 | By Florian Guillermet Deputy Executive Director – Operations and Programme, SESAR

Since the launch of the development phase in 2008, the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) Joint Undertaking (JU) has successfully driven the programme forward by following three step changes. Step one included the set-up of a Public- Private Partnership with the negotiation and agreement of the technical content and…

An independent view of the skies

18 February 2013 | By Anne-Marie McKenna, Commissioning Editor, Internation Airport Review

The 23rd annual ATC Global air traffic manage ment conference, exhibition and award ceremony is set to be another landmark gathering. Taking place from 12-14 March 2013 at Amsterdam RAI, ATC Global 2013 is the only neutral forum that continues to unite every stakeholder in the ATM market, regardless of…

Final Call

18 February 2013 | By Anne-Marie McKenna, Commissioning Editor, International Airport Review

International Airport Review speaks to Mike Moore of surface clearing specialist Aebi Schmidt, about the increasing importance airports are placing on their winter operations.

Winter Operations supplement 2013

17 February 2013 | By

Communication and coordination are key to a successful winter season (Nicky Cooper, Head of Network Operations Management, EUROCONTROL); Riga: Prepared for the winter season (Dzintra Jātniece, Director of the Airfield Management Department, Riga Airport); Keeping Norway open (Terje Selnes, Senior Advisor – Ground Services, Avinor HK)...