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Meteorological Technology: Modelling the atmosphere

12 June 2013 | By Dr Helen Wells, Manager of the Aviation Meteorology Research and Development Team at the Met Office

The Met Office works across all areas of the aviation industry to help ensure safe and efficient operations. Dr Helen Wells, Manager of the Aviation Meteorology Research and Development Team at the Met Office, provides an overview of the services provided.

Weather Observation: Automating observation

12 June 2013 | By Kjell-Åke Westin, Airport Director, Stockholm Arlanda Airport

With 20 million passengers and a harsh Scandinavian climate to contend with, Stockholm Arlanda Airport requires accurate weather data to keep things moving. Airport Director, Kjell-Åke Westin, details the airport’s new automated weather observation system.

ARFF & Recovery: Limitations in labelling

12 June 2013 | By Mike Willson, Managing Director of Willson Consulting

Mike Willson, Managing Director of Willson Consulting, asks whether firefighting foam warning labels actually deliver the accuracy and value we expect.

Airfield Lighting: Lighting up the Highlands

11 June 2013 | By Mark Stuart, Director of Operations at HIAL

Island airports are notorious for hazardous terrain. Mark Stuart, Director of Operations at HIAL, provides an insight into the unique problem of aeronautical ground lighting in the Scottish Highlands and Islands.

The case for safety

4 April 2013 | By Gernot Kessler, Head of Airport Section, European Aviation Safety Agency

Airport safety has joined other criteria such as operational excellence, efficiency, customer service and environmental proficiency at the leading edge of performance for airports on the global scene, says Gernot Kessler, Head of Airport Section at the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). We are fortunate to be able to look…

Hub in the heart of Europe

4 April 2013 | By Vienna International Airport

With 20,000 employees, more than 22 million passengers annually and two new modernised terminal check-in areas, Vienna International Airport has become the premier gateway to Eastern Europe. Flughafen Wien AG, responsible for Vienna International Airport, is a modern, listed corporation with a diversified service portfolio. Vienna’s celebrated punctuality, security implementations…

Biometrics at security as easy as ABC

4 April 2013 | By

Security checkpoints at airports remain the number one bugbear for travellers. But, as Dan Ebbinghaus, Vice President – Government Solutions at SITA explains, the day when they are so embedded with smart IT that they are hardly even noticed by passengers, is drawing nearer. In Europe, that day came a…

Shifting the paradigm of airport security

4 April 2013 | By John S. Pistole, TSA Administrator

TSA Administrator, John S. Pistole, provides an insight into how the Transportation Security Administration is transforming airport security. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) continues its transformation from an organisation that screens every passenger in the same ‘one size fits all’ way, to a risk-based, intelligence-driven model. The TSA uses the…

Sustainable screening solutions

4 April 2013 | By Yves Duguay, Senior Vice President - Operations and Passenger Experience, CATSA

Today’s passengers want all possible security threats detected quickly and with minimal waiting time, while being treated like valued paying customers. Yves Duguay, Senior Vice President – Operations and Passenger Experience at CATSA, explains why it’s not as easy as it sounds. Providing a quality security service is at the…

Taking control

4 April 2013 | By Chris Wilson, Control Centre Manager, Birmingham Airport

Chris Wilson, Control Centre Manager at Birmingham Airport, details how the airport’s new purpose-built control facility strengthened the airport’s operational effectiveness. Ask any airport operator what their key priorities are and you’ll no doubt hear them mention safety, security and customer service. At Birmingham Airport, the UK’s third largest outside…

Monitoring movement in Milan

4 April 2013 | By Giorgio Medici, Customer Care Officer, SEA, Milan Airports' Managing Company

Finding the answer to the ‘what makes an airport great’ question is no trivial matter. Giorgio Medici, Customer Care Officer at SEA, Milan Airports’ Managing Company, believes it lies in creating the perfect passenger experience. Science fiction novelist, Douglas Adams once wrote: “Airports are ugly. Some are very ugly. Some…

Wind farms and radars living together?

4 April 2013 | By Dr Clive A Jackson, Wind Farms Technical Authority, BAE Systems

Credible mitigation options are needed to allow wind farms and airport radars to co-exist. Dr Clive A Jackson, Wind Farms Technical Authority at BAE Systems, explains how harmony can be achieved.

Relieving NYC’s congested airspace

4 April 2013 | By Ann Crook, Director of Aviation, Elmira Corning Regional Airport and President of the New York Aviation Management Association

Ann Crook, Director of Aviation at Elmira Corning Regional Airport and President of the New York Aviation Management Association, discusses how efforts are being made to lessen and control the crowded airspace above New York City. Airports in New York’s Upstate and Western regions have particular concerns about the impacts…

Cleared for take-off?

4 April 2013 | By Paul Fraser-Bennison, Policy and Strategy Officer for Aerodrome and Air Traffic Standards, UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)

Paul Fraser-Bennison, Policy and Strategy Officer for Aerodrome and Air Traffic Standards at the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) assesses the CAA’s latest winter operations trial Airline operators require information about factors which affect their aircraft take-off and landing performance. Much of this is readily available; the runway length; the…