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Passenger Movement: Connecting the community

14 August 2013 | By Heather Lissner, Public Information Officer, City of Phoenix Aviation Department

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport has achieved a new, impressive level of service with the introduction of the PHX Sky TrainTM It was a project not only years in the making, but one that was highly anticipated by members of the community, travellers and the aviation industry. On 8 April…

Keeping up with growth

13 August 2013 | By Bill Shea, Aviation Expert

Airports need to be creative, flexible and innovative if they are to keep up with expected growth, says aviation expert Bill Shea...

The consequences of tightening legislation

31 July 2013 | By Neil Cameron, Managing Director, Insight Environmental Limited

Airport operators' are unwittingly exposed to unprecedented levels of environmental liability, but there is time to address the situation...

Air Cargo supplement 2013

12 June 2013 | By

There are significant efficiency gains to be had by airlines, freight forwarders and ground handlers by embracing e-freight. Des Vertannes, Global Head of Cargo at IATA, explains how the industry is moving towards this paperless ideal; David Lancaster, Director of Cargo Development at St. Louis Airport, explains how the airport…

Foreword: Balancing risk and regulation

12 June 2013 | By Tony Tyler, Director General and CEO at IATA

Tony Tyler, Director General and CEO at IATA explains why achieving the Checkpoint of the Future is crucial to making the security process as efficient as possible

Innovation Insight

12 June 2013 | By Martyn Wills, Technical Director at Cyrrus Ltd

Cyrrus Ltd is a leading independent consultancy bringing creative, contemporary solutions to the airport and air traffic industries. Martyn Wills, Technical Director at Cyrrus Ltd, sat down with International Airport Review to discuss the SMARTENER™, part of the company’s range of radar data processing products.

Airport Security 2013 Speaker Preview: Petr Hloušek, Security Director, SeVáclav Havel Airport Prague

12 June 2013 | By Petr Hloušek, Security Director, Václav Havel Airport Prague

Air transport represents one of the fastest and most effective methods of transportation. However, with annual passenger growth, aircraft movements, new destinations and route expansions, the demand for security has grown. It is unlikely that the original aviation pioneers ever imagined an aircraft could, in the future, become the target…

Interactive Media: Communication is key

12 June 2013 | By James Colman, Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director at Gatwick Airport

James Colman, Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director at Gatwick Airport, provides an overview of how the airport is using social media as a tool to connect with its passengers.

Passenger Flow: Viva Las Vegas!

12 June 2013 | By Rosemary A. Vassiliadis, Director of Aviation at the Clark County Department of Aviation

Developed to meet the demands of Las Vegas, McCarran International Airport’s Terminal 3 is the largest local public works project in Nevada’s history and was designed with passenger flow in mind, explains Rosemary A. Vassiliadis, Director of Aviation at the Clark County Department of Aviation.