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Supporting growth in the UK aviation sector

19 December 2013 | By Darren Caplan, Chief Executive, Airport Operatioors Association

Darren Caplan, Chief Executive of the Airport Operators Association, urges the Government and Airports Commission to back growth in the aviation sector.

Sonja Strand discusses the latest in LED lighting technology

19 December 2013 | By Sonja Strand, Director of Airport Lighting, Hella

With a heritage spanning 114 years, Hella is a pioneering lighting and electronic equipment provider. Sonja Strand, Director of Airport Lighting at Hella, discusses the latest in LED lighting technology...

London Southend Airport: London’s newest airport

19 December 2013 | By David Lister, Operations Director, Southend Airport

Following a successful period of investment and innovation, London Southend Airport is now a viable alternative for travel in the South East of England. Operations Director, David Lister details the airport’s development.

Friction Testing: Keeping friction measurements reliable

19 December 2013 | By Jonathan Gerthoffert, Head of the Runway Friction Research Program at the French Civil Aviation Technical Center and Belkacem Laïmouche, Head of the Expertise of Airfield Pavements subdivision at the Civil Aviation Technical Center

Runway friction measurements are essential to airfield safety. Jonathan Gerthoffert and Belkacem Laïmouche profile the Civil Aviation Technical Center’s work into the reliability of testing methods.

ATC / ATM supplement 2014

19 December 2013 | By Joe Baker (NATS), Frank Brenner (EUROCONTROL)

Joe Baker, Senior Systems Engineer at NATS, provides an overview of the TOPFLIGHT project and Frank Brenner, Director General at EUROCONTROL, gives an update on the Centralised Service initiative on flight plan and airport slot consistency...

ARFF & Recovery: World class fire safety in Papua New Guinea

19 December 2013 | By Jack Kreckie, ARFF Consultant, ARFF Professional Services LLC

Establishing a world-class aircraft rescue and firefighting department is no mean feat. Renowned ARFF Consultant Jack Kreckie documents the development of an aircraft rescue and firefighting programme in Papua New Guinea...

Airfield Safety: Automated obstacle control

19 December 2013 | By Seong-Kag Hong, Vice President, Aerodrome Division at Incheon International Airport Corporation.

Incheon International Airport uses an automated airport obstacle control system to maintain a safe airfield. Seong-Kag Hong, Vice President for Incheon’s Aerodrome Division provides an overview of the system...

Airport Profile: Brussels Airport, the gateway to Europe

19 December 2013 | By Joss Stroobants, Director of Sales and marketing at Brussels Airport Company

With 19 million passengers and 459,000 tonnes of cargo being handled each year, Brussels Airport is a very successful hub set in the heart of Europe...

London Aviation Options: Crunch time for the capital

19 December 2013 | By Daniel Moylan, Mayor of London's Aviation Adviser

Daniel Moylan, the Mayor of London’s Aviation Adviser, puts forward the case for the development of a new hub in the South East to combat London’s air capacity crisis...

Foreword: Remote Tower Operations

9 October 2013 | By Bo Redeborn, Principle Director – Air Traffic Management at EUROCONTROL

Bo Redeborn, Principle Director – Air Traffic Management at EUROCONTROL, discusses how Europe can adopt the concept of remote ATC towers

Passenger Flow: A holistic approach to fast travel

9 October 2013 | By Marie-Louise Lotz, Director of Passenger Services at Copenhagen Airports A/S

Marie-Louise Lotz, Director of Passenger Services at Copenhagen Airports A/S, details the airport’s World Class Hub strategy which uses self-service and e-initiatives to achieve seamless travel through the airport.