
In-Depth Focus 2019: Battling the elements in winter operations

Daily operations within an airport are complex and stressful on a regular basis. However, when the winter season hits, snow, ice and other dangerous conditions can make running an airport a formidable task. Our Winter Operations In-Depth Focus from Issue 4 hears from four airports across the globe regarding how they battle the challenges winter brings.

Included in this In-Depth Focus:

  • Battling low visibility, strong winds and fog
    Christchurch International Airport rarely gets more than a light dusting of snow, however, as Tim Morris, Manager Airfield Operations, details, the airport must face other extremes during New Zealand’s winters.
  • Whatever the weather
    Keflavik International Airport is Iceland’s gateway, but, as Throstur Soring, Director of Airport Operations, identifies, the tough climate zone that surrounds the airport means they must be well prepared for adverse weather, always.
  • Unpredictable weather requires reliable procedures
    To ensure flight frequency is maintained during the winter season, Moscow Domodedovo Airport employs special technologies and measures across its operations. International Airport Review spoke to the airport to find out what can combat -54°C.
  • How does Helsinki Airport weather the storm?
    In Finland, there is nothing exceptional about harsh winter conditions. With snow typically covering the Helsinki region for almost a third of the year, we need to overcome the challenges of the constantly changing winter weather, explains Kimmo Mäki, President and Chief Executive Officer of Finavia.

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