
ATC/ATM In-Depth Focus 2019

Posted: 28 February 2019 | | No comments yet

As passenger numbers continue to increase, the air traffic management industry is becoming increasingly overwhelmed by capacity limits and how close they are to them. However, improvements in the technology available to air traffic controllers will help to relieve some of these pressures. This In-Depth Focus explores these developments.

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    Included in this In-Depth Focus:

    • Now is the time for a revolution in air traffic service provision
      Martin Rolfe, NATS’ Chief Executive Officer, reveals the challenges posed by managing air traffic in today’s world, with rapidly increasing pressure to maximise capacity, resilience and performance in the face of growing demand and customer expectation.
    • Why ATM reform matters
      David McMillan, Chair of the ATM Policy Institute, says that the development and digitalisiation of the air traffic management industry is a change that has taken a long time to be accepted industry wide, and this ongoing development can only happen with continued liberalisation within the industry.
    • Making the best of your assets: A runway package
      The EUROCONTROL ‘Challenges of Growth 2018’ study predicts there will be a lack of capacity at European airports in 2040 preventing around 1.5 million flights from flying. Such a lack of capacity could mean 160 million passengers would not be able to travel with a potential economic loss of around €88 billion to the European economy, according to ACI. Bob Graham, Head of Airport Research at EUROCONTROL, considers how increasing runway throughput can go some way towards relieving capacity.
    • Bridging the capacity gap
      Frequentis reveals how deploying an integrated controller working position solution can help air traffic controllers to work more effectively and efficiently.

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