
Speaker Series: Airport IT & Security

Maurine Crabb, Baggage Strategy Implementation Manager at Heathrow Airport, discusses her highlights from Airport IT & Security 2018 and what she will be looking forward to at this year’s event.

Speaker Series: Airport IT & Security

Looking back at Airport IT & Security 2018, what did you enjoy talking about most?

I enjoyed talking about both topics, baggage XML and the implementation of Resolution 753/RFID. These are topics are close to my heart; I have been involved in the development of some of the standards and guidance. My day-to-day role sits in the baggage function, this simply means that I understand the impact and benefits that will come with the introduction and adoption of these technologies in baggage. Reduction of baggage mishandling rates and improved  passenger experience are just headline benefits.

What did you enjoy hearing discussed most at Airport IT & Security?

There were many topics that I enjoyed listening to. In particular blockchain, as this is something the baggage industry is looking to explore in its application. 

How can you see the industry changing over the next 12 months?

This is not an easy question to answer. There are so many technologies; emerging, new, adoptable and adaptable from other industries, and with aviation finally starting to open up it’s possible to explore anything. 

What are the biggest challenges currently facing the industry?

For me there are two main things – data exchange and security.

Looking ahead to Airport IT & Security 2019, what do you think will be the most discussed topics?

Obviously security is still a hot topic, also blockchain and IoT. It will be good to continue discussing RFID too – this is obviously not a new technology but within aviation and airports in particular, it is still in its infancy stages with a lot of benefits to be gained.

Register your interest

At Airport IT & Security 2018, Maurine spoke about the adoption of RFID to support the implementation of Resolution 753. 

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