
Issue 3’s Operational Efficiency In-Depth Focus

It has never been so important to ensure your airport is operating as efficiently as possible; to reduce costs and improve the passenger experience.

Issue 3 2020: Operational Efficiency In-Depth Focus

As the threat of COVID-19 causes operational inconveniences and financial struggles, it has never been so important to ensure your airport is operating as efficiently as possible.

Therefore, in the latest issue of our magazine, we spoke to three different individuals to gauge direct advice on how to improve operational efficiency across airport systems:

  • Britain’s front door for passengers and cargo
    Heathrow’s Head of Data and Analytics, Nick Beresford, details the airport’s data transformation journey; exploring new ways to exploit data to enable an efficient operation, drive business value and deliver an excellent passenger experience.
  • Passengers first: Your way to smoother operations
    Data is one of the vital elements in an airport operations centre (APOC). Another key to a great future? People. Korijn Defever, Operational Improvement Manager at Brussels Airport, and Bart Seuntjens, General Manager for Brussels Airport Consulting, talk about their successful set up of an APOC and explain how it has helped future proof Brussels Airport.
  • Contactless: The new norm in aviation
    Murali Varadarajan, Senior Vice President and Head of Operations at Mumbai International Airport Limited, discusses how airports should tackle the challenge of improving efficiency in the face of COVID-19.

We have also launched a brand new digital version of our magazine.

Our new digital magazine has been refreshed and updated to enhance the reader experience. The digital version has page-turning software allowing you to ‘flick’ through the pages, and includes many other interactive features to enhance your reading experience.

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We are keen to get your thoughts on our new digital version. Please send your feedback by emailing [email protected]

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