
Guide to… Facial Recognition

Posted: 19 December 2018 | | No comments yet

As airport capacity continues to push its current boundaries, infrastructural developments are not the only way to copy with passenger growth. To cater for the growing needs of passengers, airports must do all they can to ease congestion within their operations. Facial recognition, and the biometric technology behind it, provides a glimpse in the future of terminal operations.

Guide to Facial Recognition supplement 2018
  • Facing the future
    Chris Au Young, General Manager of the Smart Airport initiative at Airport Authority Hong Kong reveals how Hong Kong International Airport has utilised new biometric technology to help the airport achieve a better, faster, more seamless airport experience for passengers.
  • The rise of multi-modal biometrics
    As biometrics become the norm in so many airports, should more airports make the move from biometric authentication to biometric identification? Augmented identity specialist, IDEMIA, reveals how this technology could pave the way for seamless travel experience.
  • Greeting the future face-first
    As Sydney Airport approaches their Centenary anniversary as a commerical flight centre, Geoff Culbert explains how the past has helped to shape the future of aviation, through its use and implemetation of state-of-the-art biometric technologies.
  • MCO leading the way in biometrics
    Phil Brown, CEO of the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, reveals how Orlando International Airport – the busiest airport in the state of Florida with more than 46 million annual passengers – has turned to biometric technology to enhance the passenger journey through the airport and seamlessly integrate into the airport’s verification processes.

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