
Heathrow Hub calls for a new Independent Noise Regulator

Posted: 29 September 2016 | International Airport Review | No comments yet

Heathrow Hub has called for the creation of an Independent Noise Regulator to monitor and control noise at UK airports…

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Heathrow Hub, the independent, cheaper and simpler plan for expanding Heathrow by extending the northern runway as opposed to building a 3rd runway, has called for the creation of an Independent Noise Regulator to monitor and control noise at UK airports.


An Independent Aviation Noise Authority was first proposed by the Airports Commission and has yet to be taken up by the Government. However, Heathrow Hub believes the model the Commission proposed is slightly flawed. The new regulator should be a separate department of the CAA, as only then will it have the power and authority to persuade airports and airlines to change their procedures.

The Commission also largely envisaged its Independent Aviation Noise Authority to be a consultation body. Heathrow Hub believes that the new regulator should have a system of economic incentives and penalties at its disposal to enforce change on the industry.

The new regulator should have other duties, including:

  • Independently monitoring noise
  • Introducing new operating procedures and spreading best practice
  • Consulting on new flightpaths
  • Collaborating with NATS

Jock Lowe, director of Heathrow Hub, said: “The UK’s approach to managing noise at airports is hopelessly out of date. The introduction of quieter planes and the use of new technology to better design flight paths could improve the situation for many people.

“Only an independent noise regulator backed by the CAA would command public trust in this important area of community and environmental concern. We do hope the Government gives consideration to this idea.”

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