
Airport passenger traffic in Central America and the Caribbean represents 8.4% global total

Posted: 8 August 2024 | | No comments yet

Airports Council International have reported that passenger traffic in Central America and the Caribbean represents 8.4% of the global total.

passenger airport caribbean

Airports Council International (ACI) has released a global airport traffic data for the year 2023, including passenger data from the Caribbean and Central America. The information is currently presented in the Annual World Airport Traffic Report 2024, which is published by ACI World. The data is collected directly from its global network of airport operators and civil aviation bodies. 

Latin American and Caribbean airports handled more than 732.4 million passengers, representing 8.4% of global traffic. Annual passenger growth in our region was 12.7%. In terms of air cargo, 5.8 million tonnes were handled, with annual growth of 1.3%. Latin America and the Caribbean accounted for 5.1% of global air cargo traffic.

“The data set compiled by ACI indicates that travel demand in Latin America and the Caribbean is strong. The leading countries in the region in terms of air traffic volume are already operating above 2019 levels, for example Brazil and Mexico, which are, respectively, the two countries with the highest traffic volume in the region, are already recording passenger figures close to 200 million. In 2023, 209.2 million travellers transited through Brazilian airports and 185.8 million through Mexican airports, although Mexican airports recorded a higher volume of international passengers (58.4 million) than Brazilian airports (21.9 million),” said Rafael Echevarne, Director General of ACI-LAC.

Top 20 airports in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2023

Passenger traffic:

  • Benito Juarez International Airport (MEX) in Mexico City had the highest traffic volume, totaling 48,415,693 passengers, approximately 26% of the country’s total volume;
  • The largest percentage increase was recorded at Buenos Aires International Airport (EZE), with a 44% growth;
  • Among the top 20 airports with the most traffic in the region, six are in Brazil, the region’s largest market. Together, Guarulhos (GRU), Congonhas (CGH), Brasilia (BSB), Campinas (VCP), Santos Dumont (SDU) and Belo Horizonte (CNF) airports had a combined movement of 112,898,238 passengers in 2023, equivalent to approximately 54% of traffic at Brazilian airports.

Air cargo traffic:

Aircraft movements:

  • The airport with the highest volume of operations was Mexico City International Airport (MEX), with 363,450 movements;
  • The airport with the highest percentage increase was Jorge Newberry Airport (AEP), in Buenos Aires, with a growth of 22.24%.
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