
Episode 11 – Reimagining Airports

Posted: 16 September 2022 | , | 1 comment

In this episode we speak to five airport experts who will be speaking at the International Airport Summit 2022

In this podcast, International Airport Review Editor Holly Miles, spoke with five airport experts about the challenges airports are currently facing in the post-pandemic era of travel with workforce shortages, long queues and baggage pile ups. They also discussed the opportunities for airports in areas such as digitalisation, accessibility, advanced air mobility, and personalisation of the passenger journey.

All of the podcast guests will be attending the International Airport Summit 2022 taking place on 19-20 October at the iconic Twickenham Stadium in London.

Guests included:

  • Jean-Sebastien Pard, Senior Manager, Facilitation, Passenger Services and Operations, ACI World
  • Thomas Romig, Vice President of Safety, Security & Operations, ACI World
  • Marlon van der Meer,  Chief Business Development Officer of BagsID Network.
  • Kirk Goodlet, Director, Facilitation and Product Development, Winnipeg Airports Authority
  • Trevor Strome, Director, Digital Airport Solutions, Winnipeg Airports Authority


One response to “Episode 11 – Reimagining Airports”

  1. Luigi D'Ascoli says:

    We still have not learned from our mistakes, moving towards the future, we should correct systems that are in place, no matter the conditions, Weather should not affect delays, with the right operations, and more….we should be always ahead of the game. As time moves forward we should always move forward, and be at the best of our game. Airports must provide a safer and more reliable way of moving people. Passengers don’t want line ups; they don’t want to spend more time at the airports before their departure, and more… The bottom line our airports needs to be revamped, with our current systems we fix the face, but not the body and mind.

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