
Cayenne Airport receives ACA Level 2 accreditation

Cayenne Félix Eboue Airport has been awarded Level 2 accreditation of the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme by Airport Council International.

Cayenne Airport receives ACA Level 2 accreditation

The Cayenne Félix Eboue Airport (CAY) receives the Level 2 accreditation of the Airport Carbon Accreditation program (ACA), the only institutionally-endorsed, global carbon management certification programme for airports, focused on recognising the efforts carried out by the industry to manage and reduce emissions from activities controlled by airports, directly or indirectly.

Cayenne Airport Director, Paul Cheung A Long, expressed his satisfaction with the inclusion in the ACA programme and emphasised his concern for the environment: “As the Executive Director of Cayenne Félix-Eboué Airport, I attach great importance to respect for the environment. Our airport must develop with respect for its Amazonian character. We are in a pivotal period for the future of our airport and this Level 2 ACA accreditation is intended to show that our environmental impact, our energy consumption are not forgotten and it’s a part of our Vision and Mission.”

He added: “We will remain committed to continuous improvement and continue to promote the green economy.” 

Dr. Rafael Echevarne, Director General of ACI-LAC, applauded the work carried out by the Cayenne Airport to manage carbon emissions more efficiently, and extended his congratulations to the airport authorities for their inclusion in the Level 2 of the ACA programme.

The inclusion of Cayenne Airport brings the number of certified airports to 53, and reaffirms the region’s commitment to carbon management and the efficient use of infrastructure and resources.

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